Asian dating: Instant Messaging Secrets

As promised at the last post, here are some of the very powerful techniques you can use in Instant messaging.

Just to recap, has a free instant messaging feature.

So after you have learnt these secrets, you can try it out at

Let’s get started!

How to draw asian women into a conversation in Instant messaging 

some basic rules for that will draw her into a conversation:

  • Keep it short but not too short
  • Don’t say “hi” or “you’re hot”
    Why? That is lame and everyone of the guys out there are just doing the same thing. You must stand out from the pack.
  • Catch her attention in your opening few words like:

    “Wow, you must be a real…” or
    “hey! Your words are…”

    and then finish the thought with something interesting in your next IM a few seconds later.

    She will eager anticipate your next instant message

  • Be funny! Make her laugh
    IM is a place to be light and enjoyable.
    Don’t get too heavy on stuff like : “What’s your view on the true meaning of life?”

 Examples of opening lines you can use:

  1. You sound like an easygoing and enjoyable…
  2. Just read your profile. Can (your nickname) contain you?
  3. “Your nick name reminds me of a great story. Do you know it…”

So go on now and try your skills at  Instant Messaging

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